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22nd October 2024 

Client Testimonials


Free 15 minute phone call review

I particularly appreciate that our initial chat didn't feel clinical and that there was a lightheartedness built-in (though some deep issues were discussed). I found the ability to switch between talking deeply and being witty helpful at putting me at my ease.

NHS restorative supervision and emotional support during the pandemic 2020-2021
Having Tracy to speak to has massively helped with the emotional toll of my role.  I hear a lot of trauma from both Women and midwives and without a safe space to talk things through I know I wouldn’t be able to continue in my roll.  Having this support has ensured that my emotional wellbeing is taken care of and I am able to reflect on the cases that I deal with.  Tracy is warm, friendly, approachable, funny,  realistic and most importantly caring.  I feel that she hears me.  Tracy’s techniques have been built into my day to day life- deep breathing, mindfulness, tapping technique and they have helped me within my role.
I have valued tracy’s sessions.  I contacted Tracy on one occasion where I was dealing with emotional secondary trauma from work and Tracy took the time to have an extra session as I was struggling to stop the constant thoughts and the negative impact it was having on me.  This was Tracy going above and beyond for me to ensure that I was emotional well. I really appreciated this!
I found the referral process for this really fast, and came at a time where I was completely emotionally burnt out. Was great that I didn’t have to wait months to start working on that.

My job is incredibly emotionally demanding, and it has been so beneficial to have space to talk about that, as well as things in my personal life which become impossible to manage when work is so overwhelming (like spinning too many plates at once).

I think without this weekly therapy, I may have ‘cracked’ this year (Covid has really been the final nail in the coffin as far as baseline anxiety goes), and needed to take time off work. There’s no one to cover my role should this happen, so I don’t know what the impact on the service would have been, but it won’t be easy or beneficial to women or colleagues.

Tracy was able to offer appointments that fit well round my work schedule.
Referrals to iapt in the past have been difficult to manage because being offered an appointment on a certain day and time doesn’t work with our shifts. So I’ve never been able to attend.

Referral was made by email and we started the next day. This was a quick access to help.

I had a difficult work situation which left me overcome with emotion. I contacted Tracy and got an appointment the next morning. I was able to process my feelings. I got lots of useful strategies to move my work situation forward. I was helped to understand my part in the situation and I learnt how useful boundaries could be. It made going back into work easier because I had processed my feelings.

Overall found this service helpful. Tracy is supportive and non-judgemental, she allowed me to see things from another perspective, and also helped me to develop coping strategies when I’m really struggling. She has also helped to point me in the right direction to make positive changes to my mental and emotional health.The referral process could have been quicker, however once this was done it was easy to contact Tracy directly.

I was suffering with anxiety/depression and burnout due to having a stressful job which was exacerbated by coronavirus.
Speaking to Tracy weekly has been the most helpful thing I have ever done. Tracy has helped me develop methods to cope with my feelings and I look forward to speaking to her each week.
I strongly believe if I didn’t have Tracy I would have ended up seeing my GP and being signed off work with mental health concerns.
What really helped was that I was able to see her quickly once my manager recognised I needed support with my mental health, rather than being put on a long waiting list.

I can just say thank you. When we first met I had little hope of being me again but the therapy has been extremly useful. I love you are part of a team and actually you did offer me therapy on my first language and arrenging or changing appoitments has been very convinient and easy.

The therapy on the phone has been easier that what i thought and provide in somehow a safe place to talk.

I have felt very supported during this tough months at eork and in my personal life.

I just wanted to send you a little thank you for the councilling I received through your service.

Firstly, you got me through shielding during the first lockdown, I was in a bad way emotionally when I first came to you. I felt isolated and lonely as I was unable to spend time with my partner and it was a real struggle managing my team from home. Sending them in to COVID positive households made me feel very bad whilst I was being protected.

I felt better and we had a break and then I was subject to a very scary incident at work, thank you for helping me to work through my emotions and to make me stronger.

And an even bigger thank you for helping me to work on my boundaries, it’s a work in progress but again, talking to you has helped me with my boundaries but has lessened the guilt I take with me for a lot of my life.
I also thank Homerton for employing you in these unprecedented times.
Feedback from NHS midwifes 2020- ongoing

"I found Tracy at a time quite hard for me, I can say I was down on my knees from pain after leaving my partner of 10 years and finding myself dealing with the pain of separation but also pains which were coming from deeper; from my childhood, from my relationships with my parents, feelings of abandonment and not feeling good enough, not having healthy boundaries with my family and friends, co-dependency issues. Tracy saw me through the pain of my separation and helped me grieve the relationship, she helped me work through my mother wound and on creating healthier boundaries with people and healthier relationship with work too. I would not have been where I am not if not for Tracy and am grateful to have met her. I think the Universe brought Tracy to me when I really needed her. Thank you".
Client 2018-2020

My experience with Tracy has been amazing. I have the biggest phobia of needles and was due a blood test for health reasons. Although I’m not over my fear, my sessions with Tracy have definitely helped and I now know how to keep myself calm and prepared for situations like this. I’m very thankful and will definitely be in touch when I next need to have a needle! Tracy is a very down to earth, lovely lady and I would recommend her to anyone.
Client 2020-2021

Boundary training feedback 2019-2020 front line Council workers
I found the Boundaries Training really empowering. It gave me a good understanding of how working in a boundaried way can benefit my practice and lead to good outcomes for my clients whilst protecting myself from the adverse effects of clients' trauma and challenges of working in the front line. It also helped me to reflect on my individual practice and look more widely at the work of the whole service exploring its consistency, cohesion and overall effectiveness for clients. Tracy, who is a very experienced counsellor and facilitator, used a range of practical tools and reflective methods to make the training interesting, interactive and beneficial for all. I would highly recommend this training to any front line professional and care worker.

Relevant and practical, helped me understand more in regards to my role. Questionings were welcomed, real situations were explored. I came away much more confident about boundaries, and all done with a great sense of humour and made to be both fun and certainly not boring. Not a training session where you are wishing lunch break would hurry up!

I found the training very enlightening. Some of the exercises were so relevant to the issues we face on a day to day basis. It really highlighted the fact that when there were no healthy boundaries in place engagement with the client could become counter-productive. Since adopting some of the learning from the training I have seen evidence of what progress can be made with clients when healthy boundaries are in place. Contrary to our fears of clients withdrawing or disengaging, clients have respected and accepted decisions and the worker client relationship has improved.

Client work

The last two years working with Tracy has been the most transformative period of my life. Devoting my time, money and emotions into sessions with her is by far the most worthwhile investment I've ever made. She is truly professional and her experience and knowlege around things I wouldn't even know how to articulate to most people, seems to know no bounds. She's also one of the most personable, humorous. and down-to-earth humans I've ever met! In one session you can be nurtured through the darkest moment and come out into the most warm and joyful space. Glad is an understatement, but I'm so glad the universe - and google - led me to Tracy.

Before meeting Tracy I was unsure of myself, lacking in confidence you might say. I’ve have the pleasure of seeing Tracy now and I’m sad to be parting.
Through her kind, open support I’ve found my voice. I’m now able to say what’s on my mind without feeling like I’m automatically in the wrong. Without Tracy I would not be in the place I find myself now. I’m happy, confident and a better person for it.
If you find yourself reading this and feeling depressed or lost and don’t really understand why, I encourage you to take the first step and seek the help of Tracy.
Supervisee 2016-2018

So hard to know how to start describing what, for me, was an extremely intense and empowering start to my therapy journey. Tracy is genuine and caring but boundaried, gentle but astute and listens with such intuition and empathy that sessions can't help but lead somewhere productive and beautiful. The lightbulb moments and connections were sometimes sudden and a little frightening, but the changes I made within myself, my relationships and the way I live my life felt like they organically grew out of the work we did in the room. My time with Tracy felt like a wonderful gift to myself that had been a long time coming. Forever grateful for this skilled and beautiful human.
Client 2017-2018

I saw Tracy for several months to help make sense of a loving but difficult relationship.
I found her to be very present and empathetic. Her observations were always invaluable and helped me see things from various angles.
I appreciated her humour and relaxed manner and how she works in a completely person-centred way drawing on a range of skills and tools to fit the client's individual issues and circumstances.
I would highly recommend her to others.
Client Sept 2017-Jan 2018

Tracy is a very compassionate councillor and is very experienced in a wide range of issues. She has helped me work through various problems, from anxiety and dealing with family relationships to fear of flying and an eating disorder in my past. She has helped me to recognise and accept my emotional patterns and given me tools to deal with them. As a result, I'm stronger and more emotionally balanced, and happier in my day-to-day life. I would highly recommend her!
Client from 2016 to end of 2017

That was an amazing experience. For me, EFT therapy was like Tracy clicking a light switch. One day I was still full of anxiety and circular thoughts, the next day they had pretty much gone. I can't imagine every patient responds so quickly, but that's the way it worked for me,
Client , from 1/3/17 to 12/4/17

In March I came to Tracey not really knowing what to expect but knowing that something had to change. I found myself repeating patterns of behavior and felt stuck in a rut. I was nervous, I did not know what to expect. What would I have to say? Would I think of things to say for 50 minutes?........ All I can say is that some of the things I have discussed are things I never knew really worried or challenged me until I started speaking about them. She helps me express myself and makes me sit on feelings and really feel them, I can’t just skip over them which I did a lot before. I can honestly say hand on heart that it was the best thing I ever did, it has helped me reconnect with myself and I now understand myself so much better. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I still have things to work on but everything seems a little bit less misty and I can see a lot more light. Client 2016-present

When I began supervision with Tracy I was aware of my learning style and that I am Dyslexic and Dyspraxic which meant that I often had to adapt the way in which I remember information in order for it to embed. Tracy was a aware of my learning needs and was able to take this into account when speaking to me about my clients. Tracy was very apt in challenging my perceptions about my clients and my relationship giving further insight into how I could keep in mind their history and experience with me as a counsellor. Whilst doing this Tracy was able to allow me to trust my own judgement when working with clients which is essential when I counsellor is taking on private clients for the first time. I grew in confidence when being supervised by Tracy as she helped to develop the skills I had and provided me new ways of working that could benefit my practice. Tracy and I would often have discussion where I could disagree with her perception but also take on board her ideas with a view of always being curious about what the client could be feeling. I felt we used the parallel process to our advantage during our sessions to reflect on how my sessions with the client could be going and tracy would help me tap more into my feelings about what is going on in the counselling relationship. I thoroughly enjoyed my supervision sessions with Tracy and felt I learnt a great deal.
Counsellor Supervisee 2011-2016

I valued the therapeutic space I have experienced with Tracy during the highs and the low moments she has been very supportive and caring. I felt cared for and understood making me feel accepted and valued. I journeyed through life with Tracy and it has been a delightful experience seeing how I grew as a person. Looking back I have moved on quite a bit from the first day I met Tracy. Time spent with Tracy enabled me to find my strength and solution to the problems I faced in life.
Looking back at the difficult moments and the issues I brought to our sessions I always felt better by the end of our sessions. She has been very creative in her techniques especially for relieving stress; her use of EFT tapping which I use to this day for emotional blocks has been magical.
What sums up my experience with Tracy is that she is a special person who made me feel very special and she will always be up there with those few other people I hold dear to my heart.
Client - 2013 - 2016

Working with Tracy has been nothing short of life changing. She's so down to earth and real in her work. She challenges me but also offers various tools that help me feel I can face the challenges in ways I never have before. She's ALWAYS available when it matters and has this incredible warmth that she brings to her sessions. Some of the techniques I've heavily doubted in the beginning and have since begun to trust them with the processes when I felt the results personally. Who would think tapping on your body could do such a positive thing to you mental state?! I look forward continuing down this path towards more balance and better wellbeing with Tracy. Client 2015- present

I contacted Tracy as I was petrified of people wearing masks. I can remember my 8yr old Son coming down stairs wearing a mask and I absolutely freaked - screamed and cried my eyes out. I knew it was only my Son and he wouldn't hurt me or anything. My fear was illogical.
Anyway, I was due to attend a huge party that had a theme of anything circus. I knew they'd possibly be some masks so contacted Tracy to see if she could help.
I must admit I was sceptical.
However, after just ONE session, OVER THE PHONE no less, I ended up laughing and crying at the same time. To cut the story short I thoroughly enjoyed the party. Yes there were masks and I jumped when I first saw them (I guess everyone does) but I wasn't afraid. I controlled my fear using what Tracy taught me.
Last week I even put a mask on. Bit of a shock seeing myself in the mirror but I'm now planning on going to a Masked Ball later this year. Client 2015

Tracy is a therapist with a huge heart. She balances the right amount of empathy with support which has helped me come to my own conclusions and have new ways of thinking. She is open minded and her knowledge and experience of a wide variety of different therapy techniques gives a much broader range of support than I have experienced elsewhere. I recommend her highly to anyone looking for so much more from therapy. Client 2014-16

I found Tracy to be a brilliant tutor, especially on a course such as Counselling, where you need to understand the true meaning of the role and what it entails. To be trained by someone who is still working in the industry both as a counsellor and supervisor gave me real confidence in the learning.
I felt Tracy taught me what to expect and how to get there, making sure it was right for me.
I myself had gone back in to study after over 20 years and was exceptionally nervous about being in the education system again. I was worried I wouldn't be good enough and that the work/life balance would be too hard. At one point during the course it did become a problem and Tracy highlighted this for me and gave me guidance and encouragement to work through it, which got me back on track and in good stead!
The skills and knowledge I have picked up on this course have been immense in such a short space of time and I really cannot believe how much I have learned, Tracy's way of teaching allows discussion and debate in a welcoming space which are needed on what can be sensitive and delicate subjects that get raised. The class as a whole felt like a unit and I used to look forward to each and every session.
I am happy to say I passed my initial course with Tracy and was encouraged to move on to the next level, something I wasn't sure would happen from the start. But the excellent tutorage and insights into the counselling world made me feel I was ready to commit and look at this as a new career not just an additional set of skills to use in my current work.
I cannot thank Tracy enough for helping me get on this path and bring out of myself the confidence that I could do so. Student C 2015-16

"I have been seeing Tracy for private therapy for around 5 years now, and it's almost difficult to put into words just how valuable it has been. When I began seeing Tracy I was in a very low point in my life and unable to cope, but now I feel that I am strong, happy and in control. It has honestly changed my life.
Tracy has always been incredibly professional, knowledgeable, warm and most of all caring. I have always felt that I could trust her, and throughout the years I have learned to open up and express myself in a healthy way. She offers a wide range of skills and experience which meant that I had the help that I really needed. Her support and guidance have helped me through some terrible times and see that there is hope and light.
I would highly recommend that anybody looking for therapy gets in touch with Tracy. I truly believed that she has saved me and helped make me the person I am very happy to be today." Client 2011-present

I was a student in Tracy's level 3 counselling course, I was going through a very difficult time in my life, and during the beginning of this course I went through a number of very difficult changes and I felt that I could not continue the course and was ready to defer my course and lose a lot of hard work which I had done to reach this stage. Tracy taught me about empathy and actually seeing the person, and who they are and what they need through the way in with she listened but also challenged me during this course. I had never really been challenged in an empathic way before, and because Tracy made me feel that I was worthy as a person, but my some behaviours or thinking were not beneficial or healthy, I was able to make changes and become a stronger person. L3 student 2015/16

As a recently passed Level 3 student of Tracy's, I couldn't be happier. Tracy was warm, honest and supportive, three qualities you definitely appreciate as a counselling student. The course is tough, as you would expect. I was challenged emotionally and intellectually but I always felt safe, the same way I imagine her clients feel in a therapeutic setting. To be taught by someone with the experience and knowledge Tracy holds was invaluable and as I continue with my training I know what I have learnt will remain with me and guide me into my own career as a counsellor. K, 2016"

It was clear from day 1 that Tracy was down to earth, real, honest & humorous with it. I enjoyed hearing snippets it her experiences & expertise as well as how they were handled professionally & non-judgementally.
I gained a greater self trust & confidence in my abilities to help myself & others (while remaining sane lol). I learned to break barriers in terms of thinking, creativity & was able to look deeper into myself (mentally & physically) as well as beyond myself to gain greater clarity in all situations. Where I previously saw problems I now see challenges to rise to. My only complaint is that I would always have liked more of her time 😝🙃😝 L3 student 2015/16

I was also guided to develop better skills by Tracy through speaking to her and also being present in her class, in which she taught us about theories, skill and experiences which I was able to take on a because my feelings of worth increased, and these have helped me both for my professional and personal development. Tracy gave me a chance when I needed one, but she also challenged me and I really feel this is why I have been able to start moving forward with different areas of my life. Student 2014/15

I recently had the pleasure of being part of CSK L2 Counselling Skills Level
2 course on which Tracy was the tutor. I can't commend her enough.
She made the course uplifting and she made learning fun. Throughout the
course she suggested further reading and continued support. I found Tracy to
be a down to earth, caring, genuine, kind and very supportive tutor. I feel
blessed to have had her as my tutor (CSK L2, 2014-2015). I would recommend
Tracy to anyone needing a Therapist. In my eyes Tracy is a gifted person that
I have had the pleasure of meeting and who has enhanced my life. Anyone that
has the opportunity of working her will be truly lucky and will feel able to
face anything that life presents. Many, many thanks Tracy. Student JS

I guess I would say that therapy with you was very instrumental in me getting myself to this better place I'm in now. The talking, the emdr and eft we did together was almost like magic, like everything progressive and painful I did have to work at it but much of the work only seemed evident when I saw positive changes and results in myself. In other words I feel like the work was going on in my head and I didn't have to think, analyze or work at it too hard atall. Just be true to myself. (the Iboga does that too but your way is much gentler....both have played their part)
Anyway one of the most delightful after effects of the emdr therapy was and still is that I now look at pictures of myself as a baby/child/teen and see someone I love,i actually feel tenderness towards the two year old me in a picture on my wall.
The weird thing is all my life I didn't even know I wasn't actually able to look at that little girl. I did look but just felt a slightly stomach churning emotional pain,i guess I was familiar with that pain thats why I didn't notice it until it was gone. And what a relief, I'm not saying I don't feel pain anymore but I don't block it out anymore...i used to look at the photo and have simultaneous pain and blankness, now I look and feel tenderness, understanding and love.
I do think this has had a massive impact on the way I feel about myself now,i no longer slip easily into victim or destructive modes and I feel more valid.
This has freed me somewhat and no longer being addicted to opiates was a goal I was aiming and working for.
Understanding and letting go of my past, the abusive childhood and subsequent abusive  situations i immersed myself in has freed me to enjoy life now because I realise there's nothing actually faulty with me.
I always thought I was certainly flawed or broken about me id never fix. I remember saying that to you soon after we met ' there's something not right about me and I don't know what it is'
Now I see things very differently. I accept who I am wholeheartedly. I am unique and I, like everyone else am different and wonderful.

I could ramble on saying the same thing in different ways...reasons, understanding and explanations seem inadequate. Im just grateful and happy.
T 2010-2012

I remember the first time I had a hypnotherapy session with Tracy.
I wasn't feeling good.  I felt stuck.  I wanted to get out but felt too lost.
I remember a big red hot air balloon, untying the tight knots, cutting
the thick ropes...
I can still remember looking up at the sky the next morning.
The sky looked very blue and the trees looked very green.
Sounds cheesy but it's true.
Something shifted inside me after that.
I sometimes tell people 'I left my husband because of that hot air balloon' :o)
I feel very grateful to have Tracy in my life.
I've had a number of different treatments with Tracy.
Hypnotherapy, EFT, meditation, EMDR, drawing, playing with sand :o)
Helping me to understand myself.
Getting back in touch with myself.
Laughing, having a little giggle together too.
2011 - Present

"I have never even met Tracy and she has helped me change my life for the better. I have been having Skype therapy for a number of months. I know she is someone I can count on, a sound listening board. She has helped me through depression with hypnosis and EFT and just being there patiently listening to me. Nothing gets past Tracy, even when I was in deep denial, she persevered with me."
S 2011-present

"My husband and I are communicating far better since the commencement of therapy. We are arguing less. Thank you Tracy"
F 2011-present

"I had a strong craving and started tapping, as Tracy had shown me, within 10 minutes the craving had gone. When I started counselling I didn't think I would get anything from it. Working with Tracy has helped me to see my life clearer, I now have a better understanding of myself and the patterns I have fallen into in the past".
S: 2010- present.

"I tried EFT and to begin with I did feel silly, doing the tapping and not really understanding how it would help me. I was very surprised how much came up through doing it, which I was then able to talk about. It really helps that Tracy taps too, she is very in tune with the process, saying the gritty stuff at the right time. I now feel that my body is like a storage cupboard, holding on to life's memories and emotions, and like most cupboards, things get lost, mixed up in a pile or stuff drops down the back and gets forgotten about. But it's still there taking up space. EFT tapping helped to release these emotions in me, even the ones lost down the back of the cupboard, that I had forgotten, the ones I had no use for anymore. It's simple, powerful and effective and reminded me that the body will speak it's mind eventually"
W: 2008- present

" There is a great deal to be said about the therapeutic relationship, and for the time being I have not enough words and too many to express here what it means to me. But it is super special that's for sure.
Tracy my therapist is a beautiful being, and the day I walked into her room was the day I won a type of lottery. I had no idea that it would later feel like the best and most important decision ever. My life was never the same again, doors opened, lightbulbs came on and even though sometimes it felt they went off for a while, even the darkness had changed. Once my eyes were open to certain things there was no shutting them. That's the thing about therapy it's about change and growth. Once you've grown you can't ungrow and why would you want to anyway? It's about taking
responsibility for yourself. I've heard it said over the years that counselling is only for people who are weak and messed up. Well I think I can safely
say that it's probably the bravest thing I have ever done, and I'm a tough cookie! And as for the messed up bit, well you don' t go to the doctor if your
in good health.
Magic happens in the therapy room. It's a sacred 'relationship' and that its boundaried is even better. It's surprising what comes out of it but the
links are incredible, it makes you realise that everything is connected, it's all relative."
2008- 2011

"i would recommend Tracy's supervisory skills. Tracy always inspired me to broaden my knowledge and think outside the box, which helped me to develop as a counsellor. She speaks from the heart and has a down to earth approach, which always encouraged me to be the best 'real' counsellor that I could become".
Trainee counsellor 2009-2011

"Tracy's natural warm presence and caring character create a supportive environment based on openness and trust. Her creative approach to group work encourages open discussion and exploration of topics brought by participants. Working with Tracy in the group is inspiring and an on-going learning experience. I have realised the benefits of integrating a wide range of approaches when working with clients'.
Sandra: Trainee existential therapist and group worker. 2011

'I found Tracy knowledgeable, accommodating and respectful towards individuals within the group'.
Sue: attended one of my training events. Nov 2011

'This has been one of the best training sessions I've been on. It has been enjoyable and engaging from the start, because the group was involved in all of the techniques, it has helped me to remember them. I loved it Tracy'.
Attended one of my training events. Nov 2011

'Brilliant training by Tracy, witnessed and experienced some great creative group work skills'.
Andri: attended one of my training events. Nov 2011

'Opened my eye's to explore feelings in a way I had never experienced before, fantastic'.
Ross: attended one of my training events. Nov 2011